NGO Report (for Session) to the 5th and 6th Report of Italy on the Convention on the Rights of the Child
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Compiled by:
Claudia Balsamo
StopIGM.org / Zwischengeschlecht.org
Endorsed by:
Intersexioni • Intersex Esiste
CRC Chronology Italy 2018-19

• In March 2018, the initial Thematic Intersex NGO Report (for PSWG) (PDF) provided solid evidence of
ongoing IGM practices in Italy, advocated and paid for by the State party (p. 10-14). In addition, it shows how Italian case law promotes and endorses IGM by punishing its prevention (p. 11-12).
• In June 2018 during the CRC80 Pre-Sessional Working Group, the Committee heard NGOs in a private
meeting >>>
Joint Intersex PSWG NGO Statement 06.06.2018 (PDF):
[...] from an interview with an Italian paediatric
urologist conducted for a forthcoming study on intersex human rights in
Italy presented yesterday at a conference at the University of Bologna:
“I carry out a large number of genitoplasty operations [that is
partial clitoris amputation and vaginoplasty] when the children are no
more than one year old...then before menarche we run a check in the
operating room and if there is a vaginal tightening we re-operate. This
is so the girl feels alright, instead of waiting and saying ‘well if she
starts being sexually active then we’ll perform surgery...’” [1] [...]
The persistence of IGM in Italian clinics is a matter of public
record, as is the criticism of persons concerned and their
organisations, also to Government bodies including the Ministry of
Health and the Italian Senate. In addition, CRPD [4] has already
considered IGM practices in Italy as a serious human rights violation.
Nonetheless, the Italian Government still refuses to take any
appropriate action to protect intersex children. [...]
• The Committee then drafted the List of Issues
(LOI) with questions for Italy, which was published in July 2018 and includes good questions on
intersex and IGM (CRC/C/ITA/Q/5-6, para 17 e–f):
17. Please provide, if available, updated statistical data
disaggregated by age, sex, ethnic origin, national origin, geographic
location and socioeconomic status, for the past three years, on: [...]
(e) Children who are born intersex;
The number of non-urgent, irreversible surgical and other procedures
that have been undertaken on intersex children before an age at which
they are able to provide informed consent;
• In Italy's written answers to the LOI published in October 2018, the State party replied (CRC/C/ITA/Q/5-6/Add.1, paras 105-106).
Question 17
(e) [Data on intersex births]
105. No data is available in this area, as the Italian legislation does not allow for the registration of children at birth as intersex
(f) [Data on non-urgent, non-consensual prodecures on intersex children]
106. Data on this point is available in Annex I (Tab 17).
The Annex I referred to (INT/CRC/ARL/ITA/33009, tab 17) [ Original XLS file currently not available: Mirror full intersex data PDF (132 kb) | XLS (83 kb) | Mirror complete annexe (XLS 4 MB) ], contains the following summarised data:
- A list of 7 ICD9-CM diagnoses used to determine intersex cases ("DSD")
- A list of 15 ICD9-CM procedures to determine cases of relevant "urogenital surgical procedures"
- Statistics 2015-17 of "Non-urgent hospital discharges for DSD with and without surgical procedures. Age 0-17", with totals:
2015: 1418
2016: 1379
2017: 1252
- Statistics 2015-17 of "Non-urgent hospital discharges for DSD with surgical procedures. Age 0-17", with totals:
2015: 12
2016: 13
2017: 3
- An overview 2015-17 of percentages of "hospital discharges for DSD" with "non-urgent [...] surgical procedures" (out of total "non-urgent [...] discharges for DSD"):
2015: 0.8%
2016: 0.9%
2017: 0.2%
• Above December 2018 follow-up Thematic Intersex NGO Report (for Session) (PDF) investigates the statistic claims made by Italy, and documents much higher numbers published by Italian IGM doctors themselves (p. 10-12). It also contains personal testimonies from IGM survivors (p. 14-19), and extensive evidence of the most common IGM practices in Italy (p. 20-24).
• During the 80th CRC Session in Geneva, on 22-23 January 2019 the Committee will examined the human rights record of Italy – including strong questions on intersex and IGM, archived on
Session 1: Tue 22 January 2019, 15-18h
Report |
Session 2: Wed 23 January 2019, 10-13h
Report |
When CRC asked about harmful practices on
intersex children,
Italy answered on trans legislation and 3rd gender in birth
assistance certificates ...
CRC80 Italy Session Report, Transcripts, Videos
• In February 2019 the CRC will publish its Concluding observations with binding recommendations for Italy – hopefully followed by
yet another strong reprimand for IGM practices for Italy!