Wednesday, December 19 2018

2018 CAT France LOIPR Intersex Report

2018-CAT-LOIPR-France-NGO-Intersex-GISS-StopIGMNGO Report for LOIPR
to the 8th Report of France
on the Convention against Torture (CAT)

>>> Download: PDF (268 kb)   

Compiled by:
GISS | Alter Corpus
Vincent Guillot • Nadine Coquet

CAT Timeline France 2018 - ca. 2021: 

• Precedent: In May 2016, after having reviewed the human rights record of France in Geneva, and based on evidence and testimony compiled and presented by Vincent Guillot, Nadine Coquet and, the Committee against Torture (CAT) reprimanded France for IGM, condemning the practice as cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in violation of the Convention against Torture, and in its "Concluding observations" obliged France to "take the necessary legislative, administrative and other measures" to prevent IGM, compensate survivors and guarantee adequate counselling and support.

Above June 2018 NGO Report provides solid evidence of ongoing IGM practices in France, and of the failure of France to implement the 2016 binding recommendations by CAT (as well as those by CRC and CEDAW).

In December 2018 during the 65th CAT Session, the Committee drafted the List of Issues Prior to Reporting (LOIPR) with questions for France for the next review cycle – including detailed ones about intersex and IGM (CAT/C/FRA/QPR/8, para 21):

[ Unofficial English ]

“21. With reference to the Committee's previous concluding observations (para. 35) on intersex persons, please indicate:

(a) The measures taken by the State party to ensure that no one is subjected during childhood to medical or surgical treatment aimed at assigning a sex and which are not of a medical emergency nature;

(b) Measures taken to ensure that the persons concerned and their parents receive impartial counselling and free psychological support;

(c) Measures to ensure that no medical treatment is provided without full, free and informed consent, and that these persons or their parents have not been informed of the various options, including the possibility of postponing any decision on unnecessary treatment until the person concerned is able to make a decision;

(d) Investigations by the State party into cases of medical or surgical treatment of intersex persons without their free and informed consent; and, where applicable, measures taken by the State party to provide redress to victims, including adequate compensation.”


[ Original French ]

“21. Eu égard aux précédentes observations finales du Comité (par. 35) concernant les personnes intersexuées, veuillez indiquer :

a) Les mesures prises par l’État partie pour faire en sorte que nul ne soit soumis durant l’enfance à des traitements médicaux ou chirurgicaux visant à lui attribuer un sexe et qui ne présentent aucun caractère d’urgence médicale ;

b) Les mesures prises visant à s’assurer que les personnes concernées ainsi que leurs parents bénéficient des services d’un conseil impartial et d’un accompagnement psychologique gratuit ;

c) Les mesures visant à garantir qu’aucun traitement médical ne soit effectué sans qu’un consentement plein, libre et éclairé n’ait été obtenu, et sans que ces personnes ou leurs parents n’aient été informés des différentes options dont celle de reporter toute décision sur des traitements non nécessaires jusqu’à ce que la personne concernée soit capable de se prononcer ;

d) Les enquêtes menées par l’Etat partie sur les cas de traitements médicaux ou chirurgicaux subis par des personnes intersexuées sans avoir donné leur consentement libre et éclairé; et le cas échéant, les mesures prises par l’Etat partie visant à accorder réparation aux victimes, notamment une indemnisation adéquate.”

The State party has now to answer to the LOIPR in writing in its State report. Thereafter, NGOs will have another possibility to submit NGO reports.

Finally the actual State review will take place in Geneva, hopefully followed by yet another strong reprimand for IGM practices for France.

Saturday, July 28 2018

2018 CAT Chile Intersex NGO Report

NGO Report to the 6th Report of Chile on the Convention against Torture (CAT)

>>> English (PDF 582 kb)

Compiled by:
Brújula Intersexual Chile
Brújula Intersexual /

CAT Timeline Chile July-August 2018:
• NGO Briefing Chile (closed):
Fri 28 July
• Review of Chile: Mon 30 + Tue 31 July 15-17h CEST

   to be transmitted LIVE on!
The Concluding Observations for Chile, hopefully including yet another severe reprimand for IGM practices, will be published after the end of the 64th CAT session (10 Aug 2018).

Wednesday, February 7 2018

2018 CAT Denmark LoIPR Intersex NGO Report

2016 CRC Denmark NGO Report Intersex IGM

NGO Report (for LoIPR) to the 8th Periodic Report of Denmark on the Convention against Torture (CAT)

>>> Download as PDF (385 kb)

Compiled by: /
Ditte Dyreborg

CAT Timeline Denmark 2018 – ca. 2020
• January 2018: Thematic Intersex NGO Report (above) collecting compelling evidence of the ongoing practice in Denmark, and the complete failure by the Danish Government to implement the strong binding CAT recommendations on intersex and IGM from the CAT Concluding Observations of the previous cycle (2015). Since then, Denmark was additionally also unmistakably reprimanded for IGM by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) (2017).
• May 2018: List of Issues prior to Reporting (LoIPR) with questions for Denmark drafted by CAT during its 63rd session contains strong questions for Denmark on Intersex and IGM (CAT/C/DNK/QPR/8, paras 32-33)!
• December 2019: Deadline for the State report of Denmark to address the questions in the LoIPR.
• ca. 2020: Review of Denmark by CAT during a session in Geneva, hopefully followed by binding Concluding Observations containing yet another severe reprimand for IGM practices!