Thematic Intersex NGO Report CRC 2014
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NGO Report to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Periodic Report of Switzerland on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
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SI Selbsthilfe Intersexualität
Submitted in April 2014.
CRC Chronology 2014–2015:
Above thematic report (INT/CRC/NGO/CHE/18022) elaborates on the >>> para on IGMs in the Collective Swiss CRC NGO Report (April 2014).
>>> The Pre-Session on Switzerland took place in June 2014.
>>> Additional
Collective NGO submission for the List of Issues (LoI) (PDF, June 2014), mentions intersex only under LGBTI discrimination ("to provide
information on the situation of homosexual, bi-sexual, transgender and
intersex children and youth", p. 3).
>>> List of Issues (LoI) for Switzerland (PDF) by CRC,
mentions Intersex only under discrimination ("stigma against lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) children and
adolescents", p. 2).
>>> Collective NGO Submission re: LoI, incl para on IGM (p. 10) (4 December 2014)
>>> Thematic NGO submission re: LoI (PDF 166kb, 5 December 2014)
>>> Review of Switzerland + Briefing "IGMs on a Global Scale" (21.-22.01.2015)
>>> Transcript of Intersex Q&A during the Review (21.-22.01.2015)
>>> "Harmful Practice" + "Violence": The Concluding Observations (04.02.2015)
Table of Contents:
Introduction . . . 6
A. What is Intersex? . . . 7
1. Variations of Sex Anatomy . . . 7
2. Everybody started out as a Hermaphrodite – until the 7th Week of Pregnancy . . . 8
3. Genital Development and Appearance . . . 10
4. How common is Intersex? . . . 10
5. Intersex is NOT THE SAME as LGBT . . . 11
6. Terminology . . . 12
B. IGMs / Non-Consensual, Unnecessary Medical Interventions . . . . 13
1. What are Intersex Genital Mutilations (IGMs)? . . . 13
2. Most Frequent Surgical and Other Harmful Medical Interventions . . . 14
a) Clitoris Amputation/“Reduction”, “Vaginoplasty”, Forced Vaginal Dilation . . . 14
b) Hypospadias “Repair” . . . 15
c) Castrations / “Gonadectomies” / Hysterectomies / (Secondary) Sterilisation . . . 16
d) Systematic Misinformation, “Code of Silence”, Lack of Informed Consent . . . 17
e) Other Unnecessary and Harmful Medical Interventions and Treatments . . . 17
3. How Common are Intersex Genital Mutilations? . . . 17
4. Lack of Disinterested Review, Analysis, Outcome Studies and Research . . . 19
5. Lack of Independent Data Collection and Monitoring . . . 20
6. Urgent Need for Legislation to Ensure an End to IGMs . . . 20
C. Civil Registration . . . 20
D. The Treatment of Intersex Persons in Switzerland
as a Violation of International Law . . . 21
1. Switzerland’s Commitment to the Protection of the Rights of the Child . . . 22
2. Violated Articles of the Convention . . . 22
Article 2: Non-Discrimination . . . 22
Article 3: Best Interest of the Child . . . . 22
Article 6: Children’s Right to Life and Maximum Survival and Development . . . . . . . . . 23
Article 8: Preservation of Identity . . . 23
Article 12: Respect for the Views of the Child . . . 23
Article 16: Child’s Right to Privacy . . . 24
Article 23: Rights of Children with Disability . . . 24
Article 24: Child’s Right to Health and Health Services . . . 24
Article 19: Child’s Right to Protection from All Forms of Violence,
Article 34: Protection from All Forms of Sexual Exploitation of Children,
Article 36: Protection from Other Forms of Exploitation . . . 25
Article 37: Protection from Torture or other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment . . . 25
E. Conclusion . . . 26
F. Recommendations . . . 27
Bibliography . . . 28
1. International Bodies Recognising Human Rights Violations of Intersex Children . . . 28
2. State Bodies Recognising Human Rights Violations of Intersex Children . . . 30
3. National Ethics Bodies Recognising Human Rights Violations of Intersex Children . . . 30
4. NGO, NHRI Reports on Human Rights Violations of Intersex Children . . . 30
5. Swiss Government Documents . . . 31
Annexe 1 “Case Studies” . . . 32
Case No. 1 . . . 32
Case No. 2 . . . 33
Case No. 3 . . . 36
Case No. 4 . . . 38
Case No. 5 . . . 40
Case No. 6 . . . 41
Annexe 2 “Swiss Cantonal, Federal Governments, and Clinics on IGMs” . . . 43
a) Cantonal Answers to Four Parliamentary Questions (2009–2010) . . . 43
b) Public Declarations by Doctors of Cantonal Children’s Clinics (2010–2012) . . . 44
c) Federal Answers to Three Parliamentary Questions (National Council, 2011–2012) . . . 45
Supplement 1 “IGM – Historical Overview” . . . 49
Hermaphrodites in the “Developed World”: From Legal Self-Determination to IGM
1. Middle Ages: Legal Recognition vs. Infanticide . . . 49
2. Modern Age: Medical Takeover and Erasure . . . 49
1763: Call for early “Cutting” of “perversely enlarged” Clitorises . . . 49
1800s–Today: Clitoris Amputations/“Reductions” on Children in Western Medicine . . . 50
1800s: “Pseudo Hermaphrodites” vs. “True Hermaphrodites” – Cultural Invisibility . . . 50
1900: End of Legal Self-Determination for Hermaphrodites in Europe . . . 50
3. 20th Century: From Experimentation to Global Medical Extermination . . . 51
1900-1950: Basic Research – Genital Surgery, Hormones, Genetics/Eugenics . . . 51
1920-1950s: Racist Diagnosis “Intersexual Constitution”,
Hermaphrodites selected for Mengele . . . 52
1950–Today: Medical Extermination by Systematic Early “Genital Corrections” . . . 53
Baltimore and Zurich 1950: From Experimentation to Medical Extermination . . . 54
1954-Today: “Prader Scale” as Global Reference for Systematic Clitoris Amputations . . . 56
1955-1993: “No Evidence for Loss of Orgasm after Clitoris Amputation, just like FGM” . . 57
1960s: 1st Genetics Boom . . . 58
1970s: 1st Hypospadias “Repair” Boom . . . 58
1993–Today: “Immensely destructive of sexual sensation” – IGM Survivors Speak Out . . 59
1993–Today: Doctors claim, “Surgery is better now” . . . 59
1990s–Today: 2nd Hypospadias “Repair” Boom . . . 59
1998: Call for a Moratorium until Evidence of Benefits for Persons Concerned . . . 60
4. 21st Century: “DSD” Nomenclature Shift – IGMs persist . . . 61
2005: Medical Nomenclature Shift from “Intersex Disorders” to “DSD” . . . 61
2000s–Today: Doctors claim, “Most IGMs Not Really Intersex Surgeries” . . . 62
2000s–Today: 2nd Genetics Boom . . . 62
2010s: Criticism by Human Rights Bodies – IGMs persist . . . 62
Supplement 2 “The 17 Most Common Forms of IGMs” . . . 63
a) Clitoris Amputation/“Reduction”/“Recession” . . . 63
b) Hypospadias “Repair” . . . 65
c) Castrations / “Gonadectomies” / Hysterectomies / (Secondary) Sterilisation . . . 67
d) “Vaginoplasty”, Construction of Artificial “Neo Vagina” . . . 69
e) Forced Vaginal Dilation . . . 69
f) Forced Mastectomy . . . 70
g) Surgical Transfixation of Undescended Testes . . . 70
h) Imposition of Hormones . . . 70
i) Misinformation and Directive Counselling for Parents . . . 70
j) Taking Advantage of the Powerlessness and Vulnerability of Intersex Infants . . . 72
k) Systematic Lies and Imposition of “Code of Silence” on Children . . . 72
l) Forced Excessive Genital Exams, Medical Display and (Genital) Photography . . . 73
m) Human Experimentation on Intersex Children . . . 74
n) Denial of Needed Health Care . . . 75
o) Prenatal “Therapy” . . . 75
p) Selective Abortion, Selective Late Term Abortion . . . 76
q) Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to Eliminate Intersex Fetuses . . . 76
Supplement 3 “Medical Textbooks” . . . 77
1. “Hypospadias Repair” a.k.a. “Masculinising Surgeries” . . . 77
2. “Clitoral Reduction”, “Vaginoplasty” a.k.a. “Feminising Surgeries” . . . 78
3. Castration / “Gonadectomy” / Hysterectomy / (Secondary) Sterilisation . . . 79
4. Historical Examples . . . 81–87
>>> Executive Summary >>> Download PDF (3.65 MB) >>> Collective Swiss NGO Report