2017 CRC Argentina Intersex NGO Report (for PSWG)

2017 CRC Argentina PSWG NGO Intersex IGM

NGO Report (for PSWG) to the 5th and 6th Periodic Report of Argentina on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

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Compiled by:
StopIGM.org / Zwischengeschlecht.org

CRC Timeline Argentina 2017-18:

September 2017: Pre-session NGO Report by StopIGM.org, presenting providing solid evidence of how today healthy intersex children are still submitted to IGM, paid for by the Universal Health Care System under the oversight of the Argentinian Ministry of Health, causing lifelong severe pain and suffering (see above).

November 2017: Unfortunately, the Pre-Sessional Working Group compiling the List of Issues (LoI) with questions for Denmark for the session did NOT include intersex or IGM.

April 2017: Joint Thematic NGO Report, providing solid evidence of how today healthy intersex children are still submitted to IGM, paid for by the Universal Health Care System under the oversight of the Argentinian Ministry of Health, causing lifelong severe pain and suffering (see here).

May 2018: In addition, the Joint Thematic NGO report has been endorsed by the Coordinadora de Profesionales por la Prevención de Abusos (CoPPA).

• Mon 14 May 2018, 15-18h CET + Tue 15 May, 10-13h CET
   Review of Argentina
during CRC 78th Session in Geneva
   >>> to be transmitted LIVE via webtv.un.org!

The Concluding Observations for Argentina, hopefully including another severe reprimand for IGM, are due to be published in June after the Session.

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