Questions to the German Federal Government
By on Monday, July 21 2008, 00:34 - CEDAW 2008 - Permalink
1. What will the German Government undertake to ensure that the dignity and
right to a life free of discrimination (Article 1 in connection with Article 3
CEDAW) also becomes possible for intersexual people?
2. When will the German Government acknowledge the reports of NGOs,
representatives of self-help groups and existing research results concerning
the living condition of intersexual women / people, and take up a dialog with
the affected persons, their associations and self-help groups?
3. In what sort of time frame will the German Government undertake steps to
make sure the medical standards of treatment for intersexually born persons are
congruent with the requirements of the ratified UN contracts?
4. When will the medical professional societies be asked by the German
Government to introduce standards of treatment free of discrimination under
active inclusion and participation of the affected persons?
5. When and how will the German Government ensure, that intersexual people are
requested to make a decision on which sex / gender they belong to, no sooner
than when they themselves are fully able to make this decision?
6. What will the German Government undertake to make sure that in the future no
irreversible medical interventions at intersexual people occur without their
own informed decision ?
7. When and how will the German Government introduce a human rights based
treatment of intersexual persons and guarantee it permanently, so that no more
discrimination occurs from laws and orders?
8. When will the German Government introduce the concept of the sexual
variations in their legislation and ordinances?
9. Which laws will the German Government update, acknowledging the existence of
intersexual persons and when?
10. When will the German Government acknowledge the victims of irreversible
surgery and medical experiments and grant them legal advice, legal security and
an integration within the social order?
11. Will the German Government promote binding laws, free of discrimination,
which guarantee the intersexually born the same access to medical achievements
as all people?
12. What will the German Government do during the next four years for the
construction of specified competence centers and for the education of trained
professional staff for the treatment of intersexual people?
13. What will the German Government undertake during the next four years to
educate consultation teams with the participation of intersexual people?
14. How will the Government legally regulate the limitation of claims for
compensation for damages due to the withholding of medical documents and
15. How will the German Government make sure that intersexual persons are
admitted an observer status with all scientific studies concerning their
16. Will the German Government during the next four years promote or support a
truth commission which contributes to the public awareness and which regulates
the compensation (according to Canadian model) of intersexual people injured by
medical treatment or non-treatment?
17. In which way and when will the German Government compensate the
disadvantages which intersexual people have suffered by the treatments?
18. When will the German Government define which physical and psychological
damages due to the false treatment of intersexual people correspond to the
degree of impediment / decrease of the capacity to work ?
19. When will the German Government remove the existing discriminations of
intersexual persons in civil status law and marriage law?
20. When will the German Government put on new research projects (as e.g., the
research group Hamburg) or continue investigating the situation of intersexual
adults extensively, and when will these results show clear effects for
intersexual persons?